How do I locate soil survey reports?


  1. Go to the Natural Resources Conservation Service Soils website  and click on Start WSS for the Online web soil survey.
  2. From here you can use the interactive map to define an area of interest. The area of interest can also be obtained by inputting and address or other geographic information.
  3. Once the area of interest is defined click on the download soils data tab near the top of the window.
  4. Click Your AOI (SSURGO) and click create download link.
  5. Click on the newly created link to download the file and then extract to a folder of your choice.
  6. A new window with a folder with a similar name to IN089 should appear. Open the folder.
  7. An MDB file should be present, double click on it and it will open the file in Microsoft Access.
  8. Click Stop All Macros, then click Enable Content.
  9. Go to file and save, save the database before trying to run your report to prevent issues. You must save it as an MDB file.
  10. You should have a box titled SSURGO Import, you now nee to find the file pathway for your tabular data to create a report. This folder will exist in the IN089 folder. If you double click on tabular you can get the correct pathway in the search bar (ex. C:\Users\ncrespo\Downloads\wss_SSA_IN089_soildb_IN_2003_[2017-1-02]\IN089\tabular).
  11. After entering the pathway into the SSURGO Import box click Ok. It may take a few minutes to compute.
  12. You can now select various variables and report types to view.


  • Last Updated Jan 17, 2018
  • Views 90
  • Answered By Sammy Chapman

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